Kings Annual Fund FAQ

The Kings Annual Fund is a way for parents and supporters to help make our school even better. It goes towards special things that would be too expensive to include in regular tuition, like new programs or equipment. Thanks to the generosity of past donors, our students have benefited from amazing resources that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise.
Why give when I pay tuition?
Tuition covers the basic operating budget each year. However, as parents, we desire an educational experience far from basic for our students! The Kings Annual Fund enables us to provide truly excellent opportunities in academics, arts, athletics, and student life, including campus security upgrades, classroom technology, athletics facility advancements, science labs and equipment, fine arts resources, financial aid, and many more vital campus upgrades.
What is the fundraising goal for the Kings Annual Fund this year?
We do not have a financial goal that we are trying to meet this year. Instead, we have a participation goal. Our goal is to have as close to 100% participation of all the primary stakeholders as possible. That would include faculty and staff, school committee members, and parents. Our desire is that everyone contribute something to the Kings Annual Fund.
How much should I give?
We believe the stewardship of personal resources with which God has entrusted you is a matter to be prayerfully considered. We ask that, after your church, you make the educational ministry of Calvary Baptist Academy a priority in your giving. God uses all gifts both great and small to impact each student.
If I can only make a small gift, does it make an impact?
Many small gifts, when combined, become powerful. There is strength in numbers, and the collective generosity of our donors can make a huge impact. Every gift matters, and every family’s participation makes a difference!
Why is 100% participation so important?
Though not everyone has been blessed with the same resources, everyone can share in the effort. This supports our philosophy that as a school community we must all work together to provide our children with the best possible education. Also, high annual fund participation is a benchmark used by donors – both within and without our school family – when deciding which of many worthwhile schools receive their financial support.
Who can give?
Anyone who believes in excellence in Christian education! Parents, grandparents, and other family members give to show support for the school and a comprehensive learning environment. Alumni (students, parents, and faculty/staff) give to provide for those who follow in their footsteps. Community members invest in the fruit of a CBA education – godly, educated young people who exhibit personal and group leadership, citizens our world desperately needs.
How and when do I give?
Gifts can be given at any time during the year but our annual campaign runs through the month of October. Donations may be made online or to CBA by check or credit card. A giving envelope will be sent to every family. The Business Office will gladly help process your donation. You can mail a donation labeled “Kings Annual Fund” to 6100 Perrine Road, Midland, MI 48640, call the school office at (989)832-3341, or donate via our website at
How can I increase my gift through my employer?
Ask your employer if they have a matching gift program, which will match your gift with company funds. Many companies encourage charitable giving by offering this benefit to employees.
Is an annual fund a common practice among other schools?
Yes. Many private and Christian schools have annual fund programs, as do colleges and universities. This is a common practice.
Will my gift be tax-deductible?
Yes. Calvary Baptist Academy as a ministry of Calvary Baptist Church, is a not-for-profit organization and all Kings Annual Fund gifts are tax-deductible.
Why not just increase tuition to cover these enhancements?
To make a CBA education accessible to as many students as possible, we strive to keep tuition accessible. In addition, a gift to the school is tax deductible, whereas tuition is not. This gives each family the opportunity to write off a contribution towards their child’s education.
Do parents who donate their time to CBA support the Kings Annual Fund?
CBA is truly grateful to the many volunteers who contribute their time, energy, advice, and talent. Many CBA programs would not be possible without the dedication of our parents. However, financial donations are a separate and essential method of support.
We don’t attend Calvary Baptist Church, why would we give?
As a ministry of Calvary Baptist Church, CBA benefits greatly by the support from the church. This support is primarily through the provision and maintenance of the facilities where CBA resides. Truthfully, CBA would not exist were it not for Calvary Baptist Church.
All of the gifts to the Kings Annual Fund are used for the school. While there is inevitably some benefit to the church when certain improvements are made using school funds, the intention is not to use school funds to fund or supplement the operating expenses of the church.
Our Promise to You:
We understand your trust is important. If you choose to give here are our promises to you.
Gratitude: We thank God for your generosity and ask for gifts that fit your budget. We honor you as a valued supporter.
Transparency & Accountability: Your investment in CBA goes towards responsible spending. We’ll use your money as intended, demonstrating good stewardship. We will report back to you how much was given and how those funds were used.
Leading by Example: Our school committee, administration, and teachers are all participating in the Kings Annual Fund. We wouldn’t ask anything of you that we wouldn’t do ourselves.